The map shows cities where Grosh, the intelligent grocery app, has been used for grocery shopping until now, and as of today, grocery shoppers in Hungary can also use the app. Read how Grosh was brought to Hungary below.
Expansion by our users
Gabriel from Hungary contacted us last week and asked when we plan to support Hungarian. The answer was, as always, as soon as possible, but if he would help, we could do it straight away.
If you want to help, here’s what you do
We ship you a spreadsheet with a number of texts that have been automatically translated, but need proofreading. You review and correct the directory of normally used groceries, grocery category names, recipe category names, list of national retailers, and finally the description of the app for Google Play, Appstore and the web page.
Clever crowdsourced localization
So, when we launch in a country, Grosh has been setup for use. However, the real strength of Grosh is the clever crowdsourced localization that happens after the launch of additional grocery names, their categorization, stores and their location. For each shopping trip at a store, a model of the store interior is refined, such that Grosh can list items in the same order they are located in the store.
Don’t leave Grosh at home
We continue to see Grosh in use in countries the app has not yet been translated for and released in – meaning users from other countries bring Grosh on their holiday trips. Our loyal users wouldn’t dream of leaving Grosh behind when going on holiday 🙂
To help us keep up the work of building the best grocery app and spread it across the world, please give us a like on social media 🙂
Kind regards
The Grosh Team