When you’ve taken the last item of its type from stock list, Grosh will ask if you want to add the item to a shopping list. So why not do the same for purchased items and make it automatic to re-plenish the stock list?
This is because the stock lists are intended to be controlled via barcodes. That is, you scan an item when you put something in stock and when you remove it from stock.
However, when you shop, there are normally not any barcodes on the items in the history / purchases items.
It just says that you have bought flour, for example. Therefore, we have not put a “swipe right” on the history to add the item to a stock list.
If you just add purchased items to the stock list without a bar code, then you will not be able to scan the item and get the app to decrement the stock count.
if you have any bright ideas on this subject, please let us know. We would like to improve this, but havn’t yet cracked it!