Be sure to include the “ask Gro Service” phrase when speaking, or the digital assistant will think that you’re adding an item to its built-in shopping list. Note we use “Gro Service” as invocation word for our service, as Grosh Service is a bit hard for users to say and for the assistants to understand.
If the digital assistant acknowledges your request but the item does not show up on your phone’s list in Grosh, then there are three possibilities:
1. It is adding items to its own built-in shopping list
2. It is adding it to Grosh, but to a different account than the one that’s on your phone
3. It is adding it to Grosh, but a different list than the one that’s on your phone
If, when you say, “Alexa, ask Gro Service to add milk” she replies with, “Milk was added to the list. What would you like to do now?”, then she’s adding it to Grosh. If instead she replies with, “I’ve added milk to your shopping list”, then she’s adding it to her own list. Be sure to install the Grosh skill and to phrase the request properly. The same applies for Google Assistant!
To double-check that both Alexa’s Grosh skill and your phone are on the same Grosh account, follow these steps:
1. On your phone, launch Grosh, go to Settings. The screen should tell you which account you are signed in to.
2. Scroll down to Connected services and tap Adjust. Then verify that “Amazon Alexa” is one of the devices. If not, then the Grosh skill on Alexa must be signed into a different Grosh account. Remove the skill and add it again using the Alexa mobile app on your phone. Or do the same using Google Assistant.
3. Say the following to check this “Alexa, ask Gro Service which account is used” or “Ok Google, ask Gro Service which account is used”
4. On your phone, launch Grosh, and see which list you’re displaying. Then say the following to check this for the digital assistant: “Alexa, ask Gro Service which list is selected” or “Ok Google, ask Gro Service which list is selected”