The Siri support in Grosh is based on what Apple calls the task and reminder domain. The means there’s a set of predefined commands that we can support, and therefore the supported commands are a lot fewer than it is possible to support for Alexa and Google Assistant. However, on the positive side, the commands seem to work quite well.
You can add one or multiple items to a specified list:
“Add milk to my shopping list in Grosh”
“Add milk, sugar and tomato to my grocery list in Grosh”
For the other languages supported by both Siri and Grosh, you can say:
- Danish: Tilføj bananer til min indkøbsliste i Grosh
- Dutch: Voeg bananen toe aan mijn boodschappenlijst in Grosh
- Finnish: Lisää ostoslistaan banaaneja Grosh
- French: Ajouter des bananes à ma liste de courses dans Grosh
- German: Füge Bananen zur Einkaufsliste in Grosh hinzu
- Italian: Aggiungi le banane alla mia lista della spesa in Grosh
- Portuguese: Adicione bananas à minha lista de compras no Grosh
- Russian: Добавить бананы в мой список покупок в Grosh
- Spanish: Añade plátanos a mi lista de la compra en Grosh
- Swedish: Lägg till bananer till min shoppinglista i Grosh
We’ve added a setting in Grosh called “Siri ignore list name” which does what it says. It means you can always just say “shopping list” as list name and not worry where the items ends up.