When users shop in a store, the system learns the sequence of categories in the store – corresponding to sections or ailes in the store. After a while the app starts to order the shopping list according to this order. When a number of shopping trips have been performed at a location, the app will show a sorting icon in the bar at the top, just right of the shopping list name. Click it to select the name of the store, and then presto – the list is ordered! The more times users shop in the store, the better the sorting gets.
PS You can also set the location for previously performed shopping trips by going to the history and tapping the trip and then the info icon top right – this will bring up location details for the trip that allow you to change e.g. the store.
PPS If you mark a location as “not a store” on the trip information, the list will no longer be sorted on that location. So if you don’t get your shopping list sorted, go the “History” tab and look for a “house” icon placed on a trip. If you happened to mark a trip as “not a store” by mistake, just open up the trip and select the store name to remove the “home” marking.