At the Grosh team we embrace user driven innovation. Popularity and user growth is not found by any big feature, but by listening to users and refining your product. Today we ship Grosh 2.4 with no major changes, but probably the biggest amount of small adjustments made in any release of Grosh. We’ve addressing a big bunch of user wishes in the new version – read on to learn more!
User driven innovation
We’re happy that users don’t hesitate to get in touch with us when they can’t figure out how to do something or a function needs improvements. We compile all this input into our product roadmap – and once in a while we stop doing other things and just focus on delivering improvements directly back to our users – so say hello to Grosh version 2.4!
Improved data entry
Users have been asking for an easy way to specify more item details when typing in text. The latest change is that we now make it simple to add notes using comma, type eg “apple, green” to add apple with comment green. Previously, Grosh supported adding quantity, store name and price directly from the data entry text field e.g. “3 milk lidl 1.25”
Improved recipe – shopping list integration
As a few users have pointed out, you seldomly need to shop all ingredients for a recipe. So when you hit the “shopping cart” button on the recipe screen, you now get to select which ingredients to transfer to the shopping list.
Grosh also cleans up the ingredients when transferring them to the shopping list. Grosh removes brand names and units, so just the generic grocery name is added to the shopping list.
Improved store selection
Based on user inputs, we’ve also streamlined the store selection a bit:
- Info bubble telling you that you’re a location with many shopping trips only appears once now
- Store selection screen improved, now also shows known nearby stores
- Trip screen button to easily mark location as “not a store”
Improved stock lists
Improvements include remaining stock is now shown after consuming an item and when last item has been consumed, just the generic grocery name is added to your shopping. Ex: “Corn flakes Kellogs” becomes just “corn flakes”. The system is still learning brand names, so this will improve over time.
Improved wish lists
As the sibling app Fromto is developed, all improvements made is dripping back to Grosh. For instance, when “locking down” a wish by specifying yourself as receiver, no edit could be done previously. Now, you’re actually allowed to continue editing the wish until someone sets “responsible” person for purchasing the wish.
Other minor changes
- Add new grocery after barcode scan now has auto complete, making it easier to add new groceries by just typing part of the grocery name and then perhaps just adding unit size and brand name, check out the naming convention
- Add new user now has auto complete for emails you share other list with, making it easier to invite users to new lists
- Share list as mail now includes item notes, usefull when sharing a list with more details over email
- Added a few more explanation bubbles, e.g. to explain now to dismiss info bubbles
- More clear indication of bought items in grey text
- Show most popular groceries until app has your suggestions ready. This is based on a nightly analysis of the currently most bought items in your language.
- List displays larger image when tapping image icon + link icon that allow fast opening of related webpage
- Item and recipe links open in system browser on the phone. If you use Grosh for bookmarking items you may want to purchase in the future, it’s now easy to go to the website and complete the purchase right on your phone.
Lots of small bug fixes
- Quantity of two when adding new grocery
- Better handling of quantity in the beginning of grocery names
- Barcode not shown for items just added without refreshing list first
- Allow editing sooner after items was added to list
- Total now changes if Bought or Undo
- Adding item with detected price, price not shown until refreshing list
- Allow adding same item multiple times on wishlist for different recipients
- Incorrect item count on wish lists from select list screen
- Fixed wish list trip listing if you’re a recipient
- Webapp prevent browser caching when new version is out
What’s next?
Grosh for Apple Watch is in beta and so is our new sibling to Grosh, Fromto. Fromto focuses on gift shopping and we aim to make it the best app for your wish lists and helping friends and family coordinate shopping – see separate blog post. We’re always looking for beta testers, so please let us know if you’d like to join 🙂
We’re also looking for webshops that would be happy to take order from Grosh – if you know someone with a webshop, point them in our direction 🙂
Merry Christmas from
The Grosh Team