Why we made Grosh
We have all shopped groceries. It’s tedious and time consuming! There are solutions available, but we think it can be done MUCH better!
Presenting Grosh
Intuitive gesture-based modern design that allows you to focus on your shopping
Usage based suggestions
Auto recording of purchase history
Based on your purchase history, the app provides accurate shopping suggestions
Items with low stock are red, orange items are already on the shopping list, and other items are items you buy often.
No more double purchases nor return trips to the store

Easy and fast to operate
Add items quickly using our predictive autocomplete list
Add items using barcode scanner (and see what prices other users registered)
Easy to enter quantity, preferred store and price, eg type ‘3 milk lidl 1.50’
Auto categorization of grocery items
Auto ordering of list according to the store you are in
Get inspired in your cooking
Store all of your cooking recipes in one place
Include a picture of your dish
Ingredients can easily be added to your shopping list
Bookmark recipes found online using our browser extension
Search in recipes published by other users
Share recipes with family and friends
Follow users to get inspired in your cooking

List backed up and synced across devices
All lists, items and recipes are automatically backed up onto our cloud servers, so don’t worry about losing your data
See items being marked as bought as your partner shops!
App available on multiple phone platforms, your partner doesn’t need to have the same phone type as you
Web app available for your desktop web browser
Watch app available for your smart watch
Voice dication app available e.g. for your smart speaker